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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Past Lives

Do you believe we have past lives? Do you know what yours were? If not, do you want to know or would you rather not?


Cindy H said...

I do believe in past lives. I think our souls are on a long journey and we learn things with each new life we lead. I don't know what my past lives are, but I have some weird dreams sometimes that I think have something to do with it. I think a lot of unexplained "phobias" are actually due to past live experiences. I have considered doing a past life regression before but I never have. I think it would be interesting and it would probably explain some things about me that I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

I have this idea that past lives are not linear - that because we are all one - each one of us expressions of "All That Is" - that we have access to and can draw upon and use the experiences of every life that was ever lived. Here on this planet and else where as well.

I have had several past life regressions, and also a number of "past life" rememberances that were really vivid and "real". They were so surprising and unexpected, that I think they must be true.

I remember working in a mine or quarry during the time of the great pyramids. Everything was covered with yellowish white dust. It was a grueling hard life. I don't know if I was a slave or a conscripted worker. But I was at the bottom of the pecking order. I remember that I was working in a big deep pit, when a huge rock fell on me. The lower half of my body was smashed and severed from the upper half, but amazingly I still lived and was coherent. I remember feeling this great rush of relief, and the "guards" or "soldiers" carrying me on a makeshift stretcher back to a small lean-to where my wife and child were crying hysterically and wailing, and I was thinking how happy I was that it was over, and I was done. And then I died.

I've also had vivid memories of drowning in tidal waves and once when I was in a boat that sank. Drowning isn't too bad... it's really (once you quit fighting the water) peaceful and surreal.

And I shot myself in the foot once during WW1, it really was an accident, but it got me out of the trenches. The trenches in WW1, by the way, were absolutely terrible. Like hell. Really, a hell on earth.

And I remember being an executioner - in some eastren country - chopping off heads with a giant axe - and really enjoying my job.

So... There are more, but these are the most interesting and vivid.

Thanks, Cindy for a great question. That was a really fun one to answer!

Anonymous said...

I do believe in past lives...I think. I also believe, as Shirley said, that since we are all part of the One, we all have access to the memories and experiences and learnings that others have gone through.

That's why so many people are convinced they were Cleopatra in a past life. THEY weren't actually her, but they are able to access her memories through our interconnected energies, and they take on those memories as if they experienced it personally.

Ever notice how almost everyone is convinced they were someone famous? With the exception of Shirley, practically everyone I've known doesn't believe they were ever just some nameless slave who was worked to death and died young. They all want to believe they were someone who did something spectacular and are still remembered with awe today. Human ego.

I don't think if I went through a past life regression (or if anyone goes through one) that it's factual and accurate. I think perhaps you might be able to find an explanation for a phobia or a quirk, but I still think that you are drawing on the collective consciousness and not memories of any particular life YOU led.

It's an interesting question, and I have been on both sides of that coin - believing, then disbelieving, then semi-believing again because I don't see why it can't be true...

I will probably go back and forth on this one the rest of my life, since my beliefs on one side or the other of this coin don't alter in any way my core fundamental beliefs in God and the Universe. For me, this isn't one of those issues that I MUST find the answer to or else something just isn't right in my universe.

The older I get, the more issues there are that I'm comfortable not really feeling like I KNOW one way or the other. I'm perfectly happy to listen to other people's takes on the matter (provided they aren't stating that their opinion is THE TRUTH) but I'm perfectly at ease allowing the issue to rest without my taking a stand on it one way or the other.

I've decided that whatever is the real truth of the matter, it will continue to be the real truth, regardless of my belief or disbelief, regardless of my awareness of it or not. And I find that to be a very comforting thought. You know, the feeling that the universe is bigger than me, and it will go on for eternity with or without me. Everything DOESN'T rest on my shoulders, on my believing in any particular idea or not. What a relief that is! It's like, if I stop believing in fairies, do they all die? Am I responsible for fairy genocide? Some folks get so wrapped up in KNOWING the TRUTH that they can no longer function in the real world! I personally find it comforting to think that my part in the whole big huge universe is small, and realize that whether I believe in reincarnation, whether I believe in heaven, whatever, it doesn't stop the cogs from turning in the great big ol' Universe. What is, is. Everything still goes on just as it should.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this - I think it's a level of spiritual maturity that we reach, kind of like the older we get, the more we realize how much we don't know. And I'm okay with what I don't know. The truth will exist regardless of anything I may think or say or do, because Truth simply is.

I don't believe that humans can even KNOW the whole truth of how the universe works until we are formless again - I think it's too much for our little brains to grasp - it is so much grander than any of us can fully visualize and put words to - I find it very comforting that I don't have to KNOW, that when I am no longer constrained by this mind and this body and I can simply ABSORB the Truth into my being, then I will KNOW.

I'm not sure how this question of reincarnation brought out this whole big long essay on the basic core of my belief system, but there it is! Everyone else is welcome to share how and why they believe too. That's what we're here for. :)

Cindy H said...

Melissa, I agree with the concept that so much of it is stuff we can't understand! My mom has told me several times that she can't or won't reveal all the secrets of the universe to me even though she is now in the other realm. It's all way too much for our brains to be able to understand. Plus, there is a reason why nobody knows for sure. And wouldn't this world be a bore if everybody believed the exact same thing?

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