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This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Choosing our life

If you died and were able to immediately pick out a new life on this earth - would you? And if you did, where and what would you choose to be? Would you choose to be born in America or somewhere else in the world? Why? Would you be white, black or Oriental? What would you want your parents to be like?


Anonymous said...

Here's what I would do. I would say to heck with being human... I would come back as the wind. I would go where I wanted to go... to the tops of the highest mountains, winding through deep canyons.. And if I wanted to, I would knock down whoever I thought needed knocking down... and gently kiss anyone who needed some gentle kissing... I would fly along with geese and monarch butterflies... make music with leaves and water... It would be a grand life. Sometimes I would have mercy, sometimes I wouldn't. That's what I would do if I could.

Anonymous said...

I think after this life, which has been pretty rough and exhausting so far, I would choose a nice long vacation!!! I would NOT choose to come back to this world right away. I would enjoy resting in my formless state, being one with all the energy of the universe, and helping manifest wonderful things for others here on Earth. I would be an angel and that would be fun. Then, when I was ready, I would go check out other planets and find life elsewhere in the universe and consider if it might be interesting to have a life there for my next go-round. I wonder what their angels look like? I would only take form and live a human (alien?) life if there was really good food and enough money for me to easily take care of myself and my loved ones, and to make a difference for my community. Maybe an alien commune where everybody works at what they enjoy and are best at, and everything is provided.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have been born in Australia . They were saying today that Australians are the healthiest probably since so many are close to the surf and swim so much! They also have socialized medicine.

Cindy H said...

I'm with Melissa on waiting a while before returning to life somewhere! It would be fun to be an angel for a while, especially a guardian angel to a little child. When I was ready to have another life, I would like to come back to earth as a human. I don't think it would matter to me what race I was - I would just like to be someone with the ability to help save earth and her resources - and someone influential enough to convince every other person on earth to do the same!

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