Hi there!

This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


Changes in the wind said...

Bobby Idle...I think I was 7 years old and he bought me popsicles:)

Anonymous said...

OMG How will I remember this far back? I think it would have to be... let me see... David Eckdahl, or was it Steve Saint? or then again was it David Austin? Bobby Fuller? Not one of them even looked at me twice except when I was in trouble (which was most of the time) and then when they did it wasn't in a nice way.

My first "true love" was Richie Perry. That was 8th grade.

Garvald said...

I lost my virginity at a late age. a girl that I was infatuated with when I was in high school saw me again later my senior year in college.... and we fell in love all over again until I went walkabout to Europe and Oz!

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