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This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Loving you

How do you love Yourself?


Cindy H said...

I TRY very heard to love myself by taking care of my mind, body and spirit. I think I take care of my spirit best, with mind coming in second and body coming in third. It is difficult for me to give my body the proper nutrition and exercise it needs and I'm trying to work on the mind and spirit aspects in hopes of helping with the body part.

I think if I can continue to meditate and keep my vibrations high, feed my mind with exciting and complex situations, and try to become more in tune with my body and what it's trying to say to me, perhaps it will become easier to eat better and have less pain, thus being able to exercise.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

This was a hard question to answer... and I would say that I love myself by making sure that I have a roof over my head, a quiet place in the country, air conditioning, running water... etc. I take care of the basics.

How else do I love myself? I feed my mind... sometimes I even feed my spirit.

The list of how I DON'T love myself is way a lot longer...

Anonymous said...

How do I love myself? When I am knowing that I am making a contribution to a community that needs a great deal of help...
I know that I am loved.
Lately I have been happy with the reflection knowing and accepting my strengths and weaknesses.

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