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Thursday, July 5, 2007


What is the most freeing thing you have ever done?


Anonymous said...

That would have to be my divorce... followed close on the heels of giving up the idea that I have to be perfect and always right... but not necessarily in that order. I think I gave up being perfect and right long before I gave myself the gift of life without Mike Janner.

Cindy H said...

Maybe this sounds weird, but I think the most freeing thing I ever did was put off house cleaning, chores and other mundane responsibilities to spend more time with my kids when they were still children and teenagers. I see so many moms and dads, especially moms, though, who spend so much time worrying about the cleanliness of their house, dusting, doing dishes, and not enough time actually BEING with their children, spending quality time, talking to them and LISTENING to them. My house was never very tidy, but my son and daughter never felt neglected and they always knew I was available for them. I hear moms who just don't listen to their kids, ever, even when the kids are still preschoolers, and they just tell the kids to "go away, mom's busy" and that breaks my heart!

So it was very freeing for me to prioritize things differently to where the kids were first, and chores came later if at all. My kids are now 22 and 24 years old and I think they would both tell you that they appreciated the time I spent with both of them as they grew up. I was a single mom and I was all they had and I certainly wasn't going to let some dirty dishes keep me from enjoying them as they went through their childhoods.

Anonymous said...

The most freeing thing I've ever done was to declare bankruptcy after our business failed. We lost our business and my mother within weeks of each other - 10 years ago this month as a matter of fact. We had to personally guarantee some costs in order to get the business off the ground, so in order to get free of all that debt (over $160,000 of debt including the 5-year lease on the building) we declared bankruptcy and it was truly the best decision we could have possibly made at the time, painful and heartwrenching as it was. The things that bring you freedom aren't always fun and easy and light - but even if they are difficult, they are still healing and create a new path for you.

Anonymous said...

Being free is letting go of our issues!

2 really cool quotes!

"If we could learn to like ourselves, even a little, maybe our cruelties and angers might melt away. ~John Steinbeck

"Calmness is the soil, and the only soil, in which all that we most desire to be will grow"

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