Hi there!

This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Questions anyone?

Do you have questions?


Anonymous said...

What place in the world would be the most romantic place to feed your fantasy of one day truly finding your eternal soulmate?

Anonymous said...

If the sky was green and the grass,trees,plants etc were blue... how different would our world be? How different would we be? Or would everything be the same? Does color really matter?

Anonymous said...

What the hell?
No, seriously, that's my question. It's used in a wide variety of situations, of which we are all familiar. :)

Anonymous said...

Lets say you found that magical place sans your soulmate, but would have to meet your muse before you found your twin flame. What would your magical muse look and feel and sound like?
What would be their thoughts and philosophy toward you finding your inner creativity?

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