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Friday, May 4, 2007

Dead end

What do you usually do when confronted with a "dead end"?


Anonymous said...

The first thing is, I usually don't believe in it. So I will try to push through it. And if that doesn't work, I right away spend a significant amount of time bashing my head against it, flinging myself against it, trying to claw my way through it.

Sometimes this approach works amazingly well. But sometimes it doesn't, and eventually I am exhausted,(what with all the head bashing and stuff), and I find myself sitting dazed and confused in front of that dead end.

And then, when I catch my breath, I go back to the head bashing and the body flinging. All the while, begging "the master of the universe" to show me the way around it.

But of course, I am too busy bashing and flinging to pay attention to "him" and so caught up in the drama of getting "through" that a way around could miraculously open up and I wouldn't even see it.

I don't know where all the "ram" energy comes from. I don't have an aries bone in my body...

Cindy H said...

I have trouble accepting dead-ends, too! I have always HATED having to backtrack and re-do anything!

I see where you are coming from with the Aries comment, Shirley, but speaking as a full-blown Taurus, I can certainly liken my response to that of a bull-headed bull who won't accept a dead end's existence and keeps head-butting it until it either opens up or I drop over in exhaustion.

It's very difficult for me to accept a dead end! "Can't go under it? Can't go over it? Gotta go through it!!" I usually eventually find a sloppy, bully way over it or under or through it, but probably more times than not, I would have been better off to just back off and try another route! That's the whole bull-headedness part of it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy, I bet you're right! I have a Taurus moon... it probably is the "bull" in me...

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Taurus, I completely understand what you're saying!

When I am confronted with a dead end, while the panic and anxiety set in, I usually try to numb myself out with t.v. and then finally something will strike me that is the way around, over, or through. Or something that turns me around and I go back the way I came. Or turning left or right...

I've noticed that I don't allow the anxiety to build up as much as I used to. I used to let it overwhelm me and waste entire weekends of me worrying myself out of my mind over something there's nothing I could fix until Monday anyway. Now I tend to shrug my shoulders and say "This too shall pass" because it always has before, and I imagine myself 10 years into the future and know that I won't even remember this insignificant little worrisome moment anyway....It really helps.

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