Hi there!

This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


What are the questions of tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Questions for tomorrow... well what that comes to mind is:

What was I thinking?
Why the heck did I do that?
Why the heck didn't I do that?

Cindy H said...

I can think more of "comments for tomorrow" - basically, "Coulda, woulda, shoulda". So I'm trying to do all the coulds, woulds and shoulds NOW so that there won't be any regrets tomorrow!

I'm trying to really get into "seizing the day" and living in the moment! And last night my sister reminded me that our mom always used to say "don't wish your life away" - good advice!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the questions of tomorrow would be the same as the questions of today: "What if???"

Anonymous said...

I think you nailed it Melissa.

Anonymous said...

I picked up a fortune cookie,
"Happiness is the joy of creation!"

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