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Monday, April 23, 2007

Feeling tired?

When you are feeling tired and overwhelmed,
what is the nicest thing you do for yourself?


Cindy H said...

Well, if I did nice things for myself whenever I felt tired or overwhelmed, I would be spending all my time doing nice things for myself. Maybe that would be a good thing? I am so very, very tired of being tired all the time! I only feel overwhelmed part-time, but tired all the time! I wish I could invent a way to bottle the energy of children!

Anonymous said...

when I feel tired or overwhelmed (which is a lot of the time) I usually cry. for whatever reason, hormonal, exhaustion, frustration....i can't help it and it does seem to help. Of course it doesn't really fall into the category of doing something nice for myself, but it is at least temporary release. until it causes a migraine. the other things i do for myself have yet to be discovered. it's completely unchartered territory.

Anonymous said...

When I am tired and overwhelmed I find it impossible to do anything for myself at all. Sometimes I think about how nice it would be to take a nice hot bath, or eat a good meal, but usually I am too tired and overwhelmed to do either thing. Most of the time I just continue to do whatever it is I'm doing that has me exhausted tired and stressed out ... why don't I just stop and rest? I have no idea... taking care of shirley is not something I do very well at all.

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