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Sunday, March 4, 2007

When you were five

Something happened to you when you were five years old, what was it?


Anonymous said...

I remember very little from when I was that small. It isn't until around age 8 that I start having rmembrnaces of daily life. I can remember small flashes of things that happened before that, but they are small, and mostly insignificant. The neatest thing I remember from kindergarten though was going to school one day and there being fog outside. The teacher took us outside and explained that it was a cloud that had come down to earth to visit our class.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, that's really a cool experience. What a neat thing for your teacher to do! I love that image, and it gives me lots of ideas.

What happened to me when I was five is that my parents sent me away to boarding school and the bottom dropped out of my world.

I like your memory and your experience better!

Anonymous said...

I remember as a very small child getting lost in the crowd in Venice. My parents found me chatting to a priest.

Anonymous said...

I remember a really scary thing that happened when I was about five. Me and my mom and little brother were at a department store, and I don't remember what we were doing, just not listening or whatever, or not staying with her...but suddenly, we were lost. and I mean, panicky lost. My brother was three. I walked around and around that store looking for her, with my little brother just bawling his eyes out, so finally I went up to the cash register lady and said we were lost and asked if she would call our mom over the loudspeaker. He did. later, I found out that my mom had been following us around the whole time, and watching what we would do. I don't remember what she said about it afterward, but I sure remember being lost. I can't imagine being sent to boarding school when you are five years old. Unbelievable to me. Plus those roads! Just put a little bitty five year old on a rickety bus by herself and drive a hundred miles clinging to the side of a damn cliff. I'm sorry and I love you.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I don't feel safe in the world, huh? And what about you? How did it affect you to be so frightened and lost only to find out that your mother had been following you around the whole time? Did you feel betrayed? Did you feel safer in the world? I'm curious to know what affect it had on you. Sometimes I think that's what God does to me.. I wander around lost and freaking out, and "he" just follows me around to see what I will do.

Anonymous said...

When I was five, I took every day of the week and assigned it a color - Sunday was always pink, Wednesday was always green, and Saturday was brown and tasted dusty. I never liked the way Saturday felt... I don't remember the other days -I think I vascillated and recolored them very often.

Anonymous said...

It had a really large impact on me. I clung ferociously to the cart at the grocery store, or literally had my hand ON my mother's clothes whenever we went somewhere. Till I was like, 13. Even now, I have such a fear of someone stealing my children or one of them getting separated from me in a public place that I make THEM hold on to the cart or hold hands with me all the time. Less as they get older, but it is just one of the very many things that led to me being way protective of my children. I felt like my mother did it for fun.....I am sure now it was for a lesson, but at the time it felt like she actually enjoyed seeing us so panicked. She thought it was funny. She also used to think it was hilarious to sneak up on us and scare the crap out of us, all our lives. It seems she gains a strange and particular enjoyment from the panic of other people. Particularly us! Although she has mellowed with age; she wouldn't scare my children like that. She thinks they are beautiful little fragile creatures. I think (hope) she used up all that mean stuff on us. Maybe she'll give them a break.

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