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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day

What was the most unusual Christmas Day you have ever had?


Changes in the wind said...

The year my husband's mother was in a rest home that was located about 2 hours drive from our home, we first went to church and then headed up to visit her. We never thought about the fact that most places would be closed and left without eating breakfast or lunch! Ended up at a gas station eating a hot dog on Christmas Day:)

Anonymous said...

I know I must have had unusual christmas's ... but I just can't think of any that really stand out as being what I would call unusual.

One of my more memorable christmases was the one we spent in the Bahamas when I was 15. My parents were the visiting missionaries to Spanish Wells, and we stayed in a little house next to the church.

Of course, I was an instant "celebrity" being the daughter of the missionaries and all.. We spent 2 weeks there, and in the course of those two weeks I managed to fall in love with a really CUTE skin diver named Roy, got my first french kiss, and then slit my wrists when I realized that my "run away and stay there with him" plan wasn't going to actually work.

Changes in the wind said...

Well, that beats a hot dog!!!

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