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Sunday, July 1, 2007


Where is the silver lining?


Anonymous said...

savoring every day we have left while accepting our fate of 10, 20, 30, 40,50 years left in our mortal shells?

Anonymous said...

just what the hell does that mean? does that have anything to do with 'where is the silver lining?' anonymous, you should get with the program. were you looking at a different blog? and as for the gaddam silver lining, i'll tell you where the silver lining is. george w bush's pocket and jimmy hoffa's sleeping bag.

Anonymous said...

Joe, the silver lining in a black cloud??
How is learning to smell the roses a silver lining in life's jouney not have anything to do with the question?
I agree with you on Bush's pockets however and lighten up, Mr. Pete, it almost July 4th.

Anonymous said...

Life is so short and we need to relax for a little while and enjoy the view.

If someone else is worried about you getting with their "program" the marvelous silver lining is that we have a choice to determine our fates.

Anonymous said...

The silver lining is when any of my friends or loved ones emails me just to say hi because they were thinking of me!

The silver lining is when I find money in unexpected places, or it comes to me in the mail.

The silver lining is when I am understood and appreciated without having to try so hard.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Melissa... and what I would add is that the silver lining for me is that no matter what is going on in my life, the sun still shines, the grass still grows, and water is still wet...

Anonymous said...

i think the silver lining is somewhat like the smell of clean sheets when you are exhausted from 18 loads of laundry, or the hilarious look on the baby's face that is covered with chocolate pudding that you are soon going to have to clean off....or the way you can know exactly how to make a kid laugh when they're frustrated....or the chance to kiss a skinned knee and pour some love and reiki into it. i think the silver lining is the upside of a face down penny......at least it's worth a penny.

Cindy H said...

The silver lining is the love that you feel from friends and family that you know will be there for you no matter what you need or when you need it!

There is also a silver lining in being able to giggle when someone cusses and grumbles anonymously in a blog, isntead of getting angry!

Anonymous said...

"There is also a silver lining in being able to giggle when someone cusses and grumbles anonymously in a blog, isntead of getting angry!"

yep that is fun,,writing is the best catharsis of the soul,,
life is too frickin short to get angry... its a lot easier sometimes to do your best to laugh at your own mistakes in life rather than get all pent up with anger...anger and hostility causes cancer, heart attacks, strokes, back problems and overall poor health.. be angry and uptight all the time and will create a general restriction of live giving circulation, besides high blood pressure at a very young age!
babble?? ;)

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