Hi there!

This is no longer an active blog. Sorry about that! I've moved my most intriguing questions and answers to my personal blog, shirleytwofeathers. There are some good links here, so feel free to explore, have a great day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The big question

What is the big question?
And where do you think the answer is?


Anonymous said...

The Big Question is:
Who Am I?

And the answer will be revealed when you figure out who "I" is!

Kind of an infinity loop...

Anonymous said...

For me the big question is:

What should I do?

I am constantly wondering what to do... should I do this, should I do that, how do I know what's best for me to do... etc..

And I guess the answer is found in the "doing"...

And as I'm writing this it occurs to me: Too many choices is just as paralizing as... well... being paralized... that makes no sense! LOL...

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